The straight-talking parenting podcast in which we shine a light on the particular highs and lows of raising disabled children, acknowledge our triumphs and our mistakes and embrace all of our beautiful differences.

Because really, what the f**k is normal anyway?!

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EPISODE 29: helping my child find her voice with Cat Troiano

In this week’s episode, Lauren and Rina chat with museum curator and researcher Cat Troiano. Cat is mother to two young daughters, Stella (4) and Petra (almost 3). Stella has 5p minus syndrome, also known as Cri du Chat syndrome. Growing up in a multilingual family with a strong focus on language and linguistics, Cat’s perspective was profoundly transformed by her fight to meet Stella’s communication needs. This thought-provoking conversation delves into Cat’s journey, the challenges she faced and how she advocated to ensure Stella could more easily interact with the world around her.

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