EPISODE 29: helping my child find her voice with Cat Troiano

Image centres around our guest Cat, smiling in centre wearing a green patterned top, small hooped earrings and with dark hair tied up. Image is surrounded by a pink border with the F**king Normal logo top left and episode title in pink top right: “Episode 29: “Helping my child find her voice with Cat Troiano”

In this week’s episode, Lauren and Rina chat with museum curator and researcher Cat Troiano. Cat is mother to two young daughters, Stella (4) and Petra (almost 3). Stella has 5p minus syndrome, also known as Cri du Chat syndrome. Growing up in a multilingual family with a strong focus on language and linguistics, Cat’s perspective was profoundly transformed by her fight to meet Stella’s communication needs. This thought-provoking conversation delves into Cat’s journey, the challenges she faced and how she advocated to ensure Stella could more easily interact with the world around her.

Content Warnings

Very strong Language warning 


Guest Biography

Cat lives in London with her husband, Giorgio, and their two daughters Stella and Petra. Cat works as Curator of Photography at the V&A, and Giorgio manages the design team at a lighting manufacturing company. Professionally, Cat comes from a research background, curating exhibitions and publishing or presenting regularly about photography in its historical and contemporary environments. She has significant experience working in complex institutions, and expertise in institutional policy and practice in the cultural sector. Incidentally, this armed her with a skill set that has proven particularly useful in advocating for Stella – who was born with a rare genetic syndrome – and navigating the paperwork, systems and therapies that help her thrive. Catherine has always been interested in language and linguistics, and she is forever grateful to Stella for upending her world view about language and communication. 

Useful resources

click here to listen


EPISODE 30: From trauma to renewed purpose with brandi Amiss-Towler


EPISODE 28: “love makes the world go round” with David Thacker & Margot Leicester